Dental Clinic

A dental clinic is a small room where a dentist performs treatments on patients. It has several pieces of dental equipment, such as a dentist chair, lighting, handheld tools and devices for teeth cleaning, oral irrigators, suction machines, and laser systems. The clinic also has a reception area where the staff waits on patients.

Many dental clinics are affiliated with dental schools, and these clinics use student doctors to provide care under the supervision of trained faculty members. The students learn on the job by treating real patients, and they are often cheaper than private practitioners. However, patient waiting times may be longer at dental schools.

Choosing the Right Dental Clinic for Your Oral Health Needs

Dental clinics often serve people who have no other access to dental care, such as rural and low-income areas. Some clinics, such as Pickens Dental in Philadelphia, PA, charge less than private practices because they are educational institutions that subsidize the cost of training for future dentists. This model allows PDM to offer services at 50%-70% lower than private practice.

While most private practitioners were not able to reopen their offices during the COVID-19 pandemic, some community-based organizations and public health agencies continued to operate. These dental clinics can be found throughout the country and provide low-cost or free care to people who need it. Open clinics typically prioritized general and emergency dental treatment, as well as preventive visits. They also offered access to oral hygiene instruction, such as brushing and flossing.

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