What You Need to Know About Kitchen Cabinet Refacing

Kitchen Cabinet Refacing

About Kitchen Cabinet Refacing

A full cabinet replacement is a massive project that could keep you out of your kitchen for weeks while the work is completed. Cabinet refacing is a more manageable task, and it’s also much cheaper than buying new cabinets.

3 Day Cabinet Pros DIY cabinet refacing project takes only a few days to complete. It’s also an eco-friendly alternative to tearing out your existing cabinets and putting up new ones.

The main benefit of this project is that you can transform your kitchen without compromising the functionality and layout of your existing cabinets. The refacing process involves reinforcing the existing cabinet boxes and adding the doors and drawer fronts of your choice. You can even change the hardware to add a touch of personality.

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One drawback is that refacing only covers the cabinet fronts and does not address any issues with the cabinet boxes themselves, including cracks, splits or water damage. You will need to fix these issues or risk a bigger problem down the line.

If you do opt for a professional refacing service, make sure they use high-quality materials and techniques. Avoid companies that glue veneer or thermofoil over the existing cabinet door and box surfaces, as these products are not durable enough for a busy kitchen environment and can easily tear or warp over time. Instead, look for services that use solid wood or durable laminates that are moisture-, stain- and scratch-resistant.

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